61-871, Poznań, Królowej Jadwigi 43
Who can benefit from implementing the Where-To-Buy widget?The competitive online environment requires entrepreneurs to make a lot of effort to differentiate their product from millions of others. Fortunately, online promotion has some tools that make this process easier. The key to their effectiveness is a well-planned sales campaign, properly selected customer target, media, and a professional landing page. This all adds up to the ingredients necessary to achieve your campaign goals.
One of the marketing tools that can support effective product sales is the Where-To-Buy widget. It was created by 100Shoppers and is described by its creators as a tool for connecting buyers with sellers. At first glance, it may look like an ordinary button, which only looks nice when implemented on the product page. But this is only appearances, because there is much more to this widget. It is closely related to the key stage of the purchasing path, i.e. CTA. When there is sufficient interest in the product and the decision to purchase it is made, the potential buyer presses the widget with the words Buy Online (or similar). Then, a list of stores where the product is currently available with direct links is displayed. This way, the customer can finalize the transaction.
What does this bring for individual parties in the sales process? Of course, the producer, i.e. the creator of the campaign, gains the most benefits. The advantages of implementing the Where-To-Buy widget include:
- increase in sales by taking customers directly to the store;
- greater trust and credibility among potential recipients;
- information about the traffic conversion rate on the website;
- ability to monitor prices and product availability at retailers;
- better relationships with retailers;
- increasing the effectiveness of the campaign;
- access to data from the entire purchase path.
Customers also benefit from introducing a widget on the website. First of all, it is a better shopping experience for them – they do not have to look for a way to purchase the product or search for stores in a search engine or price comparison websites. Everything is handed to them on a plate.